Build Updates: Platformer

Maze Street Hermit

Build 10 Update

This build is the latest build that I will focus on right now and it is a build that is focused on the implementation of the Platformer genre. I have also made a big change as to change the game title from Martial Beater to Maze Street Hermit as it is more accurate to what the game is about.

In this build, I was struggling to think of ideas on how to implement the platformer genre as my project is in 3D. I was then able to make obstacles by making moving doors and walls as part of the obstacles that players must pass to go to different levels.

I have also implemented a dash mechanic as to help players move away from getting stun-locked by enemies but also to help players get through the obstacles.


This level 1 wall shows the first obstacle that player must face to go to the next level, as there is a button to trigger the wall to move down and a cutscene to show that the wall is moving downwards to let players through

This Level 1 obstacle is a fast vertical moving wall that will kill players upon collision, and after playtests and tweaks, the speed for the wall has been adjusted to show how fast it can be without being too challenging for players. There are also fixes to cover loopholes that players might exploit to avoid the obstacle but still being able to move to the next level.

Level 2 obstacle challenges players quick timing as there are moving horizontal walls and the button is at the start of the level where player must time themselves to run and get to the end of the level before the wall closes up.

For level 3, I did not use the button and wall as it is more of an obstacle course that player have to go through and just dash to the end of the level. In previous builds, the enemies were stuck in between the walls and players were not able to move through as they are blocked by the enemies and I have changed the enemy speed and also collisions so that players are able to pass through with ease. There were also exploits that players could have used in previous builds to dodge the obstacles by going to the far right of level 3 to get through each obstacle but that has been fix. Another issue was the visibility as in previous builds, the walls were much taller and covered the players view of the game but I have since fixed it and players are not covered by the moving walls.


I have also added an objectives and controls screen so that players can see what the controls are, but I have not removed the controls from the main game as it would still help the player to remember certain controls if they ever forget.

I have also added BGM music for both in-game and also in the Main Menu screen.

It was very tough to implement a platformer-based element in this game as my resources and time were limited especially with what I intended but I was able to use certain elements and mechanics to connect to the genre.

Files 417 MB
42 days ago

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