Build 4 Update

Game description:

Martial Beater is a game that follows a hermit martial artist that is fighting her way through the city. After years of training under her master, she has made many enemies and when she decided to rejoin civilization, the master alerted the enemies of her location, where they prepare to ambush her on the streets of the city, disguising as civilians. The player must beat through these enemies with what she has learned and prove her worth to her master and herself.

Build 4 Update:

Being the 4th iteration of the project, this project has shown the hard challenges I had to face through whilst learning about the engine that I am using, which is the Unreal Engine 5.4.2. I have also been sick and was unable to work on this project as much as I wanted to which limited the number of changes and updates that I would have wanted to implement on this game.

Score System

In this build, I was able to implement a score system where the player gains 20 points for defeating each enemy, as you can see below on Figure 1.Figure 1

Figure 1. Showing the score system and enemy death animation

 Enemy Death Animation

I have also implemented an Enemy death animation, also can be seen in Figure 1, where the enemy will show a death animation before destroying the actor after a few seconds. I had to spend an amount of time trying to configure this animation to work, as there were several issues faced when implementing it. The first one was the issue that the Enemy actor was still able to roam and chase the player after its death, where it would show the death animation but it would still move towards the player. I solved this by making the movement mode turned to none and completely disabled the enemy's movement after death. Another issue that took my time the most was where the player was able to still hit the enemy after its death animation, which will trigger the enemy "death" input which can be spammed to trigger the win condition. This causes the enemy actor to be able to get hit by the players range of attack and constantly show the "Hit Reaction" animation when getting hit after death. I tried to follow a tutorial on how to overcome this problem, but considering that my enemy health system is completely different to the tutorial, I had to find other ways to solve this issue, which took me many hours of thinking. I was able to solve this issue by creating a boolean that checks whether the enemy is dead or not and another boolean to check whether they can be hit or not. This made the enemy detect its "death" thus triggering its death animation and player was not able to hit the enemy after the animation.

Figure 2. Shows the Get hit boolean to disable the players attack on enemy

Player Hit Reaction Animation
I have also implemented a hit reaction for player, where player would have a reaction animation whenever player is getting hit by the enemy, as well as not being able to attack again for a short brief as a way to not let the player spam attacks even when taking damage.


I have swapped player walking animation from build 3, as well as making the walking speed faster according to feedback from playtesters, as to make it smoother as well. I have also increased the attack speed for both enemy and players so that it feels faster and more snappy, so that it doesn't feel too slow and gives more action and excitement for players. I have also increased movement speed for enemy as they would chase the player faster rather than walking slowly towards the player. There are now more enemies that are spawned in, increasing from 3 enemies to 5 enemies for the player to fight against.

There are some sound effects that are implemented into the game already, with a sound effect for enemy after getting hit, a death scream when enemy dies, I have also added a win screen music as well as a game over screen music.

There is now a main menu added into the build, with the options to exit the game also being implemented into the main menu screen, game over screen and win screen.

Files 403 MB
87 days ago

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